Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution - page 64

Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward
a Peaceful Two-State Solution
Chapter 3 – Mapping the "players" in the
Delaying and obstructive factors on the Israeli side
The political reality
The prime minister's ability to lead and make decisions to
promote strategic objectives.
Right-wing parties
• Likud
• Habayit Hayehudi ("The Jewish Home")
• Yisrael Beitenu ("Israel is Our Home")
• The Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) parties – Shas and Yahadut
Hatora ("United Torah Judaism"): the changes in their
stances over the years and the weight of their constituents.
Non-parliamentary factors
• Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Council
• Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Rabbinical Council
• Likud Central Committee members, party field operatives
and secretaries of local Likud branches as a political
interest group
• Public opinion in Israel – as influenced by other barriers,
and thereby becoming a major barrier itself.
Delaying and obstructive factors on the Palestinian side
• The ability of the Palestinian leader, previously Arafat
and currently Abu Mazen, to lead and make decisions
to promote strategic objectives.
• The disputes within the PA during the time of Arafat and
• PLO in Tunisia – Kaddoumi and the Rejectionist Front – the
Hamas, the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad), and the PFLP
(Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).
• The establishment in Gaza – the Gaza Hamas
• Dissident organizations - PIJ, extremist Salafism (ISIS
and others)
Regional powers
• Iran – its connection, until recently, to the Hamas, and
support of organizations in Sinai
• Iran – support of Hezbollah
• Hezbollah – ties and pressure in the West Bank, incitation
of and pressure in in the region through the Lebanese
• Sinai – Salafi organizations, Jihad, ISIS, Al-Qaeda
The operative level
• Hamas terrorist attacks – in Israel and the West Bank
• Lone-wolf terrorist attacks
• High-trajectory fire and terrorist attacks from Gaza
The Arabs of Israel
Israeli Arabs constitute one of the more complex barriers
to the process:
The mainstream of Arab citizens – aspire to become
assimilated in the State in terms of their civil life.
It is exactly the support of the two-state solution that is the
open and gaping wound of Arab citizenry.
The two Arab factions opposed to the two-state solution
(each with their own reasons:)
• Religious- fundamentalist (Islamism)
• Radical – the Balad ("National Democratic Assembly")
Party, and the Abnaa el-Balad ("Sons of the Land")
Chapter 4 – Contact with the Palestinians
since the Oslo Accords
From signing the Declaration of Principles to the election
of Benjamin Netanyahu (1992-1996)
The signing of the Oslo Accords on September 1993 was
attended by the negotiation team that had led the secret,
back-channel negotiations. Without them there, the agreement
would likely have been disrupted and ultimately failed. Rabin
(and the Labor Party) position had already been established
in the 1988 elections – the elections prior to the campaign
that brought Rabin to power in 1992.
These included the
following three limits:
• There will be no return to the June 4 1967 line.
• No Israeli settlements will be evacuated from lands that
Israel cedes in the peace agreements.
• No talks will be conducted with the PLO.
Yitzhak Rabin's stance and public pronouncement that –
"Jerusalemwill never be divided" is also noteworthy, a position
he maintained until his assassination.
This position did change slightly in the party platform, even
opening up to several other possibilities, before elections
for the 13th Knesset – "The Labor Party holds to a vision
of a new Middle East, where there are no more wars and
terrorist attacks, and enormous economic resources are no
8 "The Diplomatic Process between Israel and the PLO from the
Madrid Peace Conference until Today - The Israeli Positions on
Four Core Issues: Borders, Security, Jerusalem and Refugees" by
Shaul Arieli. in: “The Israeli-Palestinian Diplomatic Process over
Time”, S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya
Academic College, 2014.
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