Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution - page 59

and towns that took them in – became a constitutive factor in
shaping the consciousness of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of
the state, and had a powerful impact on the social, political
and cultural discourse that developed in Palestinian society
in Israel. Moreover, it can serve as a bridge to Palestinian
society outside Israel.
The changes taking place in the Middle East will continue
to directly impact regional stability, but also bring with
them new opportunities for Israel and its Arab-Palestinian
citizens. The Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel can make
a decisive contribution to improving the Israeli democracy
and promoting democratization in the region. Furthermore,
they can serve as a bridge between Israeli and Palestinian
societies and the Arab world based on an in-depth familiarity
with all the worlds involved. In addition, changes for the better
in the relationship between the Arab-Palestinian minority in
Israel and its Jewish majority and the state could make a
major contribution to the process of building trust between
Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab world, and improve the
international standing of Israel, which is currently threatened
by its discriminatory attitude towards the Arab-Palestinian
society in Israel and its continued policy of occupation of
the territories.
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