Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution - page 22

Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward
a Peaceful Two-State Solution
• Assist the parties to define an agreed mechanism, as how
to permit both sides to continue to work together, while
"agreeing to disagree" on various issues; and assist the
parties to establish a mechanism for resolving disputes
that will either come up, or will remain. Such a mechanism
will have to be negotiated between the parties.
• Assist civil society on both sides of the divide to act as a
backstop, to maintain in the public awareness the concept
of mutual interest and partnership for a two-state solution
and promote an ongoing process of civilian reconciliation.
VI. The Bad Case Trajectory
I have argued in the past "there is no alternative to peace".
Unfortunately this is not true. There are many alternatives:
maintaining a more or less volatile status quo, mutual violence
and war. An alternative to courageous and innovative action
will always be non-action. At the present point of time, the
most realistic trajectory is one or the other of these negative
options. Europe is too occupied with the refugee problem and
Brexit; the United States has yet to decide in what direction
to move, while its international role in the Middle East is by
American intent, as well as by default, diminishing.
The Israeli and Palestinian narratives of what has happened
during the last three decades seem to be non-bridgeable,
although largely symmetric, and the political process for the
succession of Abbas and Netanyahu, will tend to prevent
the adoption of rationale policies on either side.
In spite of all of this, the concept and idea of a two-state
solution has been remarkably resilient. The sequence outlined
by President Obama in his speech at the memorial service
in Dallas: suffering causes perseverance – perseverance
causes character (and determination) – character and
determination creates hope, may well have to be repeated.
Israel has a strategic interest to build regional alliances with
its Arab and Muslim neighbors, a fact that Prime Minister
Netanyahu is well aware of. For the time being the Palestinian
leadership still holds the key for success in this endeavor. A
joint bilateral and multilateral strategic brainstorming effort,
optimally on track one, but also on a track one and a half
(non-officials with officials participating) has the clout to
show the way forward.
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