Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution - page 29

Thus, progress of implementing the proposed plan involves
both Palestinian performance as well as Israel’s adherence
to its commitments, which are included in the security
plan by means of creating a give and take between the
implementation of the Palestinians tasks and the reduction
of Israeli military activity in the pilot area.
These are the areas of responsibility of Israel and the
Palestinian Authority to be included in the security plan:
Israeli commitments
Palestinian commitments
Termination of Israeli
military activity
Imposition and maintenance
of law and order
Security coordination
Building of Palestinian
security forces
Transfer of crucial
intelligence information
Counterterrorism activities
Granting freedom of
movement to Palestinian
security forces
Enhancing Palestinian
Security coordination apparatus – To bolster
coordination and cooperation
The security plan will be based on the following:
I. A detailed geographical demarcation of possible pilot
areas and criteria for expanding the pilot project to
other regions.
II. An operational plan detailing operational aspects of the
functions of the Palestinian National Security Force (NSF),
the Palestinian police and the Palestinian Intelligence
Agency (the plan will be outlined by the PA, with the
assistance of the USSC and the EUPOL COPPS).
III. Distribution of responsibilities between the NSF, the
Preventive Security Force, General Intelligence Service,
and the Palestinian police.
IV. A training plan to develop additional capabilities.
V. Palestinian tasks and stages of implementation.
VI. Steps required of Israel.
VII. Responsibilities of the USSC and EUPOL COPPS.
VIII.The security-plan implementation phases (as shown in
the table on page 16).
IX. Timetable
The following table incorporates the elements of the security
plan and consists of three phases, each of which is expected
to last approximately three months. The proposed duration
for implementation of the entire program is 6-12 months,
depending on how long negotiations take.
Freedom of
movement for
Israel’s responsibilities
Limited to the
area in which
the Palestinians
carry out
Limited to the
area in which
the Palestinians
carry out
Complete freedom
of movement in
Area A
Movement outside
Area A to be
coordinated with
Israeli authorities
Removal of
checkpoints in pilot
Transfer of
Palestinian forces
from Jericho and
Ramallah to pilot
area as part of
an abbreviated
procedure with
Israeli authorities.
Continued IDF activities
in pilot area when
essential. Limited to
low-intensity nighttime
activities in Palestinian
cities (in coordination with
Palestinian sector DCO)
Authorization for activities
will be granted at the
Central Command level.
Law and order in
Palestinian cities and
their environs (Areas A
and B).
Low level of
activities in Palestinian
Use of arms is
permitted in Area A. In
Area B, and is limited
Law enforcement
Self defense
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