Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution - page 97

through the catalogue of "frozen conflicts" spanning the
globe, from Western Sahara to West Papua by way of
Cyprus, Kashmir, Kurdistan, Nagorno/Karabakh and Tibet
among numerous others – indicates that similar geopolitical
situations can persist intractably if parties do not perceive a
secure alternative, and that effective international solutions
are rare (Haklai & Loizides, 2015). Conflict scholar John Paul
Lederach advises that it can take as much time to get out of
a cycle of destructive conflict as it took to get in (Burgess,
2004). The process may be long, but there are no shortcuts
around the work of broadening awareness, convincingly
addressing security, and building diverse coalitions around
a platform that resonates with 21st century Israeli society.
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