Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution - page 106

Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward
a Peaceful Two-State Solution
few or many refugees, the feasibility of allowing the settlers
in Judea and Samaria to remain in their communities – the
resolution of all these issues is contingent on breaking
the dichotomy between the welfare of Israelis and that of
Palestinians and ending the zero-sum game approach. Only
when “pro-Palestinian” no longer means “anti-Israel,” and
vice versa, can we start to grow solutions.
But as long as important elements of both Israeli and
Palestinian societies remain outside the decision-making
process, the exclusion of their identity from the discussion
of peace will continue to cause them to exclude themselves
from believing peace is possible. The inclusion of religious
figures from both nations in a joint effort to find a way out of
the conflict will enable them to work together for the benefit
of a common future, and to support a political solution that
addresses the religious aspirations and self-determination
of both peoples.
Israeli national-religious society is founded on a depth of
historical consciousness that carefully intertwines the annals
of Zionism with the history of the Jewish people over the
generations. It is precisely from this perspective that we can
see the depth of that change that religious civilizations are
undergoing in their attitudes to one another. The Christian
church, that for years tormented the Jews living in Christian
countries and encouraged or permitted their persecution, took
a revolutionary step in the 20th century in its attitude toward
the Jews, based on a re-interpretation of the scriptures. It is
this marked change in approach that has led to the prevalent
discussion these days of a shared Judeo-Christian heritage.
Hence, when considering the relations between Jews and
Muslims in the Middle East, we should do so with humility. The
Jewish nation is taking its first steps in political sovereignty,
and Muslims are taking their first steps both as minorities
in non-Muslim countries and as democracies. The patient,
religious hope that both sides will be wise enough to learn
to walk steadily and confidently is the hope of mending the
world in the kingdom of God.
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